Hey all!! Just wanted to let anyone who visits my userpage know that I made some videos a while back, and would like you all to take a look at them. Since I dont have flash, and I can't upload them here, (due to invalid file type) I put them up on Youtube for everyone to enjoy. They are all based on a storyline I wrote, if you would call it that
MegaMan Fights Ep.1: Megaman Heads To Battle
MegaMan Fights Ep.2: MegaMan VS Sonic
MegaMan Fights Ep.3: MegaMan Ultimate Massacre
MegaMan Fights Ep.4: Rebirthing Vengence
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGaAtzD xaZo
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_AmLUh YhTM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd8GPz9 7Rnk
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNNFYxh WyTk
And, as a bonus, I just finished the 5th video
Megaman Fights Ep. 5: Night Of Metamorphic Appearance
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18lW_4R Pzcc&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
I made each video using ripped sprites, copy-pasted them into Microsoft Paint, and edited them together in Windows Movie Maker. I gave credit to all Sprite rippers and to the artist here on Newgrounds whose audio I used, however the credits are only in the 3rd video. (The fourth video has credits for its audio, as well as the sites each song was downloaded from, the first 3 were uploaded back after christmas of 08, and the newest on on June 1st of 2010.) To anyone who views them, please leave a comment either on Youtube, or on my Userpage here on Newgrounds. Feel free to comment on both!!
My Youtube username is BallinFatty
I hope you enjoy my Sprite Movies!!